These guidelines and application form should be used for individuals applying for a bursary to attend our Summer Schools. Demand on our funds is high. Amounts awarded are at the discretion of the fund holders. For guidance, the average bursary award is between £500 and £700.
• The form should be completed by the person requesting the bursary;
• A full breakdown of the costs will be required, with quotes as appropriate;
• It is preferable that a contribution towards the overall cost will come from other sources if possible; please ensure that you tell us how the balance will be or has been raised.
• Applications should be submitted by 8 March. We will endeavour to inform you of our decision on your application by 25 March. Applications may be considered after this date, depending on availability of places.
How to apply
• Complete the application form on our website;
• An e-mail address is required so that we can acknowledge your application;
• Include a reference from someone who knows you and can support your request, such as a teacher. The application form includes instructions on how to submit your reference. Your referee cannot be a family member or relative, and needs to be someone who can comment on your musical interests and aptitudes and what you stand to gain from attending the course. Include their e-mail address and telephone number, and ask their permission for us to contact them if necessary; this will be during office hours (9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday). For teachers, please ensure that we can reach them during school holidays.
Hints and tips
Information about yourself and your family helps the panel to build a picture of you as an individual.
• Tell us where you go to school/college/university, which year you are currently in, what subjects you are studying and what grades you are predicted to achieve, what qualifications/exams you have already passed and what your career aspirations/ambitions are;
• Tell us about your hobbies, outside interests and any voluntary work you do as well as any paid part-time work you may undertake;
• Please tell us anything about your family you think will support your application, such as the occupation of your parents/guardian;
• Provide us with details about why you want to attend one of our Summer Schools, what you hope to achieve by attending the course, and how you plan to raise the balance of the funds required;
• Quotes will be required for equipment hire plus any other written/printed evidence to support your budget.
What happens next?
• We will acknowledge your application by e-mail;
• Your application will be assessed by our Bursaries Committee, who may contact you and your referee;
• The Committee’s recommendations are then passed to the Board of CEM Trustees, who are responsible for the funds under their management, and a final decision is made;
• Once the final decisions have been made both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be advised in writing;
• Unfortunately we cannot fund every application that we receive; therefore decisions have to be made to establish who we can fund and the amount we can provide in each case.
Successful applicants
• Successful applicants may be subject to additional Terms and Conditions relating to the use of the Bursary in addition to those listed on the form. These will be indicated where appropriate in the offer letter;
• As part of the Terms and Conditions, you undertake to write to CEM within 1 month of the end of the Summer School. You should detail, in a letter, essay or any other format, the experience you gained on the Summer School course thanks to the support of the Bursary, and the difference it makes to your life. We would appreciate it if this could be sent by e-mail to
• Your feedback will be passed to the Bursaries Committee and the CEM Trustees, in order to help CEM evaluate the success of the Bursary scheme.